At JK Cement Ltd., we view corporate governance in its widest sense, almost like trusteeship. The company's philosophy on Corporate Governance is to enhance the long-term economic value of the company, its stakeholders i.e. the society at large by adopting better corporate practices in a fair and transparent manner by aligning the interest of the company with that of its shareholders and other key stakeholders. Corporate Governance is not merely compliance and not simply creating checks and balances, it is an ongoing measure of superior delivery of Company's objectives with a view to translate opportunities into reality. As far as compliance with the applicable requirements of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, as amended in 2018, the Company is in full compliance with the norms and disclosures that have to be made.

pdf Code of Conduct

Constitution of the Audit Committee
Sr. No. Name of the Director Status
1 Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma Independent, Non Executive (Chairman)
2 Mr. Saurabh Chandra Independent, Non-Executive
3 Mr. Ashok Sinha Independent, Non-Executive
4 Dr. Nidhipati Singhania Non Independent, Non Executive
5 Ms. Praveen Mahajan Independent, Non-Executive
Constitution of the Risk Management Committee
Sr. No. Name of the Director Status
1 Mr. Saurabh Chandra Independent,Non-Executive (Chairman)
2 Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma Independent, Non-Executive
3 Mr. Madhavkrishna Singhania Non Independent, Executive
4 Mr. Rakesh Sethi Independent, Non-Executive
5 Mrs. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa Independent, Non Executive
Constitution of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Sr. No. Name of the Director Status
1 Mr. Saurabh Chandra Independent, Non-Executive (Chairman)
2 Mr. Mudit Aggarwal Independent, Non-Executive
3 Dr. Raghavpat Singhania Non Independent, Executive
4 Mrs. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa Independent, Non Executive
5 Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma Independent, Non Executive
Constitution of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Sr. No. Name of the Director Status
1 Mr. Saurabh Chandra Independent, Non Executive (Chairman)
2 Mr. Ashok Sinha Independent, Non Executive
3 Mrs. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa Independent, Non Executive
4 Ms. Praveen Mahajan Independent, Non Executive
5 Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma Independent, Non Executive
6 Mr. Mudit Aggarwal Independent, Non-Executive
Constitution of the Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Committee
Sr. No. Name of the Director Status
1 Mrs. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa Independent, Non Executive (Chairperson)
2 Mr. Madhavkrishna Singhania Non Independent, Executive
3 Mr. Mudit Aggarwal Independent, Non Executive
4 Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma Independent, Non Executive
5 Ms. Praveen Mahajan Independent, Non Executive
Corporate Governance Reports
Financial Year June Q1 September Q2 December Q3 March Q4 Annual Report